WITH A BANG! hence this skin and it's my wish all of u blog followers teehee. *must listen to song on the left..points points*
Let's talk about the now. The highlight of my week (i've a boring life!) is our sorta mini korean CNY party cum farewell for some of k-class peeps. I'll keep you guys in my <3~ It was a great day as we learnt how to play CNY games and ate 5 different kinds of rice cake lolsss. I'm not one to appreciate such things (coming from a country who likes things savoury and spicy) but i'm learning. and learning well =). There's quite a few plans and things i wanna do with this part of my life. Sometimes I wonder if I've the determination and perseverance. After all, mere interest and passion isn't everything! I need to pick myself up even when I fail (which i've not encountered yet yayy). I wanna be competent enoughhh to take the proficiency tests, go on exchange (a few of my classmates are so interested!), help out with fan-subbing(to give back to the internet society) and *big dreams big dreams for the future* take a translator test heh heh. so much for a girl who's just started =P.
And of course, Aloy came to visit NUS on wednesday woOhoO. It was really a spur of moment thing and I do like a bit of spontaneity in my life when life can be so dull sometimes~ I was touched when he bought tea bags and paper cups and brought his flask for us to spur us on (a bit too early huh week 5 lols.) Looking through my entries, I found this entry 'thank you' dated 24.08.08...the usual line 'so many things have changed since then'. This is GLC's part and my thoughts now in
The GLC. biggest clique of 11 i had in my entire life oh wow.
1st things that came to mind: seaview, steamboat, badminton, "We're studious & hardworking besides being good loOking" cheer.
I cannot forget the mugging session we had, the time we went to ikea for dinner, the v-day together (thanks pals!), badminton sessions, visit to sx's uncle's house, CNY reunion steamboat dinner...and now adding on to the list we have the kite flying day, the watching Imaginarium day and our up and coming CNY lunch @ nadalala's hse (eh i still dunno how to go lehs)
Anita: we din really tok much but only recently till flyer we got to know each other more.]most of our memorable memories ironically are not with GLC but @ the flyer (soup spoon~~~) and your terrible emo life ack. lOlx.
now Anita we have more memories as I got to talk to you the past few months and i'm glad u share bits of ur life with me and our spur of the moment Sentosa outing lolss.Shawn: the guy who sort of disappeared hahas. but without you there, a piece of jigsaw will be missing~
UI: the angsty girl i remember who cannot stand eating lunch alone just like me!
yeu ai is no longer as angsty...she can be cute sometimes lolsss and a bit whiny and wears t-shirts which make lotsa statements OH and now her slogan seems to be 'chillax'Nadya: always there when she can & YES always there to call me a bimbo/ xiaO jie.
nowadays the memories of Nadya seem to be multimedia viewing room LOLS. and we seem to be seeing each other more often than for the previous sems ^.^Aloy: oh wth this guy. he's there to pick on my xiao-jieness too & expects the world to worship him hahaha. how odd till today i found that we can never get tired of his bhb-ness.
still as bhb but I guess he's more susceptible to being suaned now and keeping his mouth shut hahas.JW: my 1st friend in orientation lOlx & being miss nice.
spent more time with JW this sem cos of our mod tgt! as usual we always bully but JW seems to have grown wiser and immune to our attacks lols. SX: mr. nice & uncle agony, the only guy friend whom i've cried so long & so hard to. i turn to him because i felt he could see thing objectively (am i still right about this?)
and for the few attempts @ jogging LOL. SX plays his seemingly phantom role @ times but is there when he wants/ free to. SX's gotten dressier this 2 sems (i wonder what spurred the change o.O).
haha i can't believe i wrote there uncle agony lolsss.Vicki: crappy, extraordinary with wacky thoughts & ideas.
Farhan: stop calling me "Whiny girl" lar! aiyO.
Taffy: looks innocent & mr. nicetie but actually horribly wrong (the typical sg guy) wahaa.
Taffy is my sometimes lunch buddy who got touched by what he saw during his exchange. Still, he nerds over studies and speaks like he didn't care on certain matters. Taffy's deeeep.